viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

OCEANA - cry,cry (lyrics)

Amazing white shark


Type of animal:    Shark

Name: The white shark

Habitat: Oceans and seas

Description: The world most dangerous shark is the great white. It can grow to be 12 metres long. It has a huge mouth full of sharp, pointed teeth. They sometimes attack bathers and surfers but seals and sea lions are their favourite prey (food).

Diet: seals and sea lions

Amazing fact :          they sometimes attack surfers and bathers.

 Done by: Miguel, Javier R., Intza and Laura




                              THE BOBBIT WORM


The Bobbit worm lives in places like Asia, Europe, Oceania, Africa and in their seas.
This is a worm and its name is the Bobbit worm.
. This animal generally lives in the water, but it can live under the ground,too.
It's got lots of antenaes, a brown body and sharp teeth. It looks very strong and it's got tentacles in the mouth.
The Bobbit worm eats small fish, molluscs and meat.
This animal is very long (4 metres); the adults are very big and stronger than little worms. The Bobbit worm can live for two years, no more.

Written by:
Asier, Maialen, Elena and Sofia